Date: 25/11/2008 12:57:34 UTC
Subject: RE: roffey discussion

For my own part, and without wishing to speak for others, I don't think that one can fix hard and fast rules excluding law students (or practitioners, for that matter) from asking questions relevant to their studies or practice, while encouraging others to do so.  Although is is for Jason, as the list regulator, to decide what is acceptable and what is not, it seems to me that any list member should be able to seek inspiration from other list members, on a non-attributable basis, on a particular problem that he/she is grappling with, as long as the problem relates to an aspect of the law of obligations that is likely to provoke discussion.  The quid pro quo is that the correspondent should be willing to engage in the discussion, rather than using the list as an advice service.  In practice, I would suggest, this should regulate itself.  Those who contribute regularly will reap the rewards when they post a question.  Those who do not will face an increasingly unenthusiastic response.  In any event, as list discussions may develop over a period of days or weeks (rather than minutes or hours), the delay in a response may disincentivise those facing an essay crisis or court deadline.
Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Neyers []
Sent: 25 November 2008 12:29
To:  John Murphy
Cc: Hector MacQueen;
Subject: Re: roffey discussion

I'll monitor the situation and make sure John's concern doesn't happen.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Murphy <>
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:12 am
Subject: Re: roffey discussion
To: Hector MacQueen <>

> I shd have said what I meant more clearly.  What I am
> against is the  
> kind of phishing that the student that prompted the present
> discussion  
> attempted.  That said, I guess you have better students
> than me,  
> Hector.  Mine don't seem to have time have time to reflect
> at length  
> (or at least don't perceive themselves as having such
> time).   For  
> them, under a semesterized system, contract law is a blur: it's
> all  
> "wham, bam here's the exam".  And all tehy ever ask, or
> seem to ask,  
> is (in various degrees of disguise) "what's the answer to
> this  
> question?" or "what's on the exam this year?".

> JM

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law & 
Cassels Brock LLP Faculty Fellow in Contract Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435


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